1 Start 2 Complete Please take some time to decide if you would like to produce the script and audio to accompany a module within your designated section. If you choose to do so, please complete the form below. Each content author or team has "first dibs" on recording modules within their section. If some workgroup members are unable or uninterested, we may have an open call for the entire workgroup, regarding remaining slots that need to be filled.NOTE: This process may require some internal discussion within your team to decide who will do each part. One person is free to produce script and audio for multiple modules. If assignments will be split up further, like one person writing the script and another recording the audio, you can use the notes box below to provide additional details. Name * Team/section * SelectTeam A/Section 1Team B/Section 2Team C/Section 3Team D/Section 4Team E/Section 5Other Do you plan to record audio for your module? * Yes No If "no", please select the following options: IDSA will select a designated person to record my audio I will select a designated person to record my audio If "no", please select the following options: I will select a designated person to record my audio How do you plan to record audio for your module? Rev.com Powerpoint Cell Phone (Iphone/android) Work with the IDSA team (must schedule time) Screen-O-Matic Estimated date of completion for audio? Do you plan to record for multiple modules? Yes No Please choose all the modules you plan to record, including your own: ASP Directorship: 1st year on the JobAntimicrobial Stewardship Operations“Curating & Customizing Local Infectious Diseases Guidelines”“Analyzing Local Institutional Data to Guide Initiatives”Managing Outlier PrescribersEmergency Department: (Sepsis)Immunocompromised Host: Febrile neutropeniaLTCF: Urinary Tract InfectionOutpatient (peds): Upper Respiratory Tract InfectionASP in Special PopulationsOPAT: More than a 4 letter wordFinding that First AS JobBig Footprint: Expanding AS beyond the hospitalNone Please choose all the modules you plan to record, including your own: None Do you plan to type out your script in advance? * Yes No If not, do you plan on using Rev.com to transcribe your audio? Yes No Estimated date of completion for script Do you need assistance transcribing your audio? Yes No Additional Comments: Please let us know if you need any additional assistance, ie combining multiple audio files into one module, etc. Leave this field blank