Not sure which curriculum options to choose?
Q: What is the difference between the CORE and Advanced in terms of applicable audience?
A: The CORE Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculum is certainly the most popular and utilized, intended to provide learners with a strong foundation in stewardship concepts and principles. The Advanced AS Curriculum is designed for those who would like to take it a step further and lead a stewardship program.
Q: Are there any discounts available for the courses?
A: Currently, the only applicable discount available is for both the CORE and Advanced AS Curriculum, purchased at the same time. If interested, please use code:
Fellows/Faculty Version: IDSA15ASP
Self-Study Version: ASP15IDSA
Q: Are there any additional grant/funding opportunities available for this curriculum?
A: Yes! The IDSA Foundation is excited to present a new opportunity for medical students, residents and Fellows who identify as African American, Asian American, Native American, Caribbean American, Hispanic or Latinx to receive an education grant allowing access to the “self- study” IDSA Core Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculum. For more information on how to enroll, click here.
Q: Can these curricula be used for global learners?
A: Both the CORE and Advanced AS Curricula have been utilized successfully internationally. Due to the complexities of access and funding limitations, IDSA is currently working on a custom strategy that will be available in the near future.