1 Start 2 Complete Thank you for participating in the Pus, Slough and Drainage: Oh My! Introduction to Wound Care for the ID Clinician workshop at IDWeek 2024. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions. Please enter your first name: * Please enter your last name: * Please enter your email address: * What is your profession? * - Select -PhysicianPharmacistNurse PractitionerNursePublic Health PractitionerPhysician AssistantOther (if other please enter) What is your profession? Other (if other please enter) How likely are you to use demonstrated techniques in your practice? * Very likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very unlikely What was your favorite part of the workshop? * Didactic lecture Total contact cast demonstration Practical Sessions Cases Other (please specify) What was your favorite part of the workshop? Other (please specify) Which wound care techniques do you plan to use? (Select all that apply) * Compression Off loading Debridement Dressing/VAC None Other Which wound care techniques do you plan to use? (Select all that apply) Other If you have already implemented wound care techniques into your practice, which have you utilized? * Compression Off loading Debridement Dressing/VAC None Other If you have already implemented wound care techniques into your practice, which have you utilized? Other Did you receive feedback during the practical sessions? * Yes No Was the feedback you received constructive? * Yes No Are there any additional topics you would like to see added to the workshop? What would you suggest we do differently? Would you benefit from an online e-learning version? Yes No After completing this workshop, would you attend an Advanced wound care workshop as a follow-up at IDWeek 2025? * Yes No Other After completing this workshop, would you attend an Advanced wound care workshop as a follow-up at IDWeek 2025? Other Additional comments: Leave this field blank