Core Bugs and Drugs

This course is already included in the Core Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculum. You do not need to purchase access to this course, if you already have access to the Core Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculum.

Included as the first section of IDSA's Core Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculum, the new Bugs and Drugs primer is being offered independently for learners. Ideal for medical students, residents, fellows, and early career professionals, this primer covers key microbiology and pharmacology concepts, as well as case-based exercises on management of Gram positive and Gram negative organisms; to provide a foundation for stewardship principles and practice along with many other high yield concepts.

Content in this section is available through (7) eLearning modules. The 7 modules include:

Module 1: Foundations of Microbiology - Susceptibility Testing and Rapid Diagnostics
Module 2: Foundation of Pharmacology
Module 3: Foundations - Case One
Module 4: Foundations - Case Two
Module 5: Foundations - Case Three 
Module 6: Foundations - Case Four 
Module 7: Foundations - Case Five 

Target Audience

Ideal for medical students, residents, fellows and others who desire to learn more about key microbiology and pharmacology concepts. This primer can be used collaboratively in a classroom setting, or completed independently. Please reach out to [email protected] for more information about how to best utilize this curriculum for your particular needs.

Learning Objectives

Bugs (Microbiology) Learning Objectives:

  • Describe methods, use and limitations of culture and non-culture based rapid diagnostic tests most relevant to the practice of antimicrobial stewardship
  • Describe commonly utilized methods of antimicrobial susceptibility testing in the clinical microbiology lab and explain benefits and limitations of each method
  • Describe principles of MIC interpretation and apply practical CLSI data effectively when considering a case
  • Discuss rapid diagnostic and resistance/susceptibility testing principles most important to the major bacterial pathogens (S.aureus, Enterobacterales, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus) relevant to stewardship

Drugs (Pharmacology) Learning Objectives:

  • Describe general concepts and principles of the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) of antimicrobials
  • Identify PK/PD indices of specific antimicrobials most associated with bacterial eradication.
  • Characterize how drug exposure impacts antimicrobial efficacy, toxicity and resistance in order to design appropriate antimicrobial regimens
  • Identify clinical circumstances favoring the performance of antimicrobial Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) (e.g. available drug assay, unpredictable drug dose-exposure relationship, clear relationship between drug exposure and efficacy and/or toxicity)
  • Apply PK/PD data, target indices, and therapeutic drug monitoring to the design of appropriate antimicrobial regimens for patients with altered pharmacokinetics and/or in special populations
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

AS Curriculum Workgroup COI Summary Reviewed April 2017 by Rachel Simmons, MD No conflicts found.

All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.

NameIndividual's role in activityName of commercial interestNature of Relationship
Advani, SonaliWorkgroup MemberNone 
Armstrong, WendyWorkgroup MemberNone 
Barsoumian, AliceWorkgroup MemberNone 
Beeler, ColeWorkgroup MemberNone 
Bennani, KenzaStaffNone 
Blair, BarbraWorkgroup MemberNone 
Brennan - Krohn, TheaWorkgroup MemberNone 
Bryson - Cahn, ChloeWorkgroup MemberNone 
Cherabuddi, KartikWorkgroup MemberNone 
Fong, GaryWorkgroup MemberCritical Innovations, LLCAdvisory/Consultant Role
Gaston, DavidWorkgroup MemberNone 
Hamilton, KeithWorkgroup MemberNone 
Holubar, MarisaWorkgroup MemberNone 
Huang, MishaWorkgroup MemberNone 
Ince, DilekWorkgroup MemberGilead Science’s Clinical Studies for remdesivir Principal Investigator
  Accelerate DiagnosticsResearch Grants/Contracts
  LeidosResearch Grants/Contracts
Justo, Julie AnnWorkgroup MemberbioMerieuxOther remuneration - Speaker's Bureau
  MerckAdvisory/Consultant Role
Kang, AmyWorkgroup MemberNone 
Larnard, JeffWorkgroup MemberNone 
Lee, MatthewWorkgroup MemberNone 
Logan, AshleighStaffNone 
Luther, VeraWorkgroup MemberNone 
MacDougal, ConanWorkgroup MemberNone 
Melia, MichaelWorkgroup MemberMerckOrganizational Benefit
  AllerganOrganizational Benefit
  Pfizer; MelintaOrganizational Benefit
Miller, MattWorkgroup MemberAbbvieHonoraria
  La JollaHonoraria
  MerckResearch Grant/Contract
Moenster, RyanWorkgroup MemberShionogiAdvisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
  Abbvie/AllerganAdvisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
  Melinta TherapeuticsAdvisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
  MerckAdvisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
Nori, PriyaWorkgroup MemberMerckCo-infections in COVID-19 patients
Paras, MollyWorkgroup MemberNone 
Patel, PayalWorkgroup MemberNone 
Rodvold, KeithWorkgroup MemberBLC USA LPAdvisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
  VenatoRxAdvisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
  Medicine Company/Qpex BiopharmaAdvisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
  Vemco Med Ed. (Merck CME/CPE programs)Advisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
  DebipharmAdvisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
  ShionogiAdvisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
   Unrestricted education grant for CME/CPE Program
  Utility TherapeuticsAdvisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
  JanssenData Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB)
  Clinartis LLC (projects associated with Spero Therapeutics and Sinovent)Advisory/Consultant Role, Honoraria
  USCAST : US Ctte on Antimicrobial Susceptibility TestingVoting Committee Member
Schooneveld, TrevorWorkgroup MemberRebiotix, MerkResearch Grant
  Thermo - FischerSpeaking
Schwartz, BrianWorkgroup MemberNone 
Spicer, JenniferWorkgroup MemberNone 
Stack, ConorWorkgroup MemberNone 
Stead, WendyWorkgroup MemberNone 
Stohs, EricaWorkgroup MemberReviral LtdResearch Grant
Wiley, ZanthiaWorkgroup MemberNone 
Willis, ZacharyWorkgroup MemberNone 
Shnekendorf, RachelStaffNone 

Vaezi, Liza

Workgroup MemberNone 
Rachel SimmonsReviewerNone 
This version of the curriculum is not accredited for CME or MOC.


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  • Google Chrome

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