Section 2: Antimicrobial Stewardship in Everyday Practice (Global)
Content in this section is available through 5 case-based eLearning scenarios. These include:
- AS in Everyday Practice: A Clinic Visit Case
- AS in Everyday Practice: The Antibiotic Approval Request Case
- AS in Everyday Practice: The Curbside Call Case
- AS in Everyday Practice: The Prospective Audit and Feedback Case
- AS in Everyday Practice: The Rapid Diagnostic Dilemma Case
The cases are based on common ID clinical scenarios and highlight specific AS practices in routine clinical care. Each of the 5 cases has formative questions embedded in the case, suggestions for applying concepts to the your institution, and a “clinical pearls” pocket card for reference. You are encouraged to complete at least 3 AS debriefing activities with your supervising faculty during routine patient care.
Target Audience
- Fellows/Trainees in Antimicrobial Stewardship Training Program
- Infectious Disease professionals who desire to learn more about antimicrobial stewardship but are not in a participating fellowship program, no longer in fellowship, or generally would like to gain more knowledge on the subject.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this section, you will be able to:
- Judge when to recommend formal ID consultation or AS intervention
- Recognize the major “infectious diseases syndromes” where antimicrobials are over- and misused in acute care inpatient and outpatient settings, and thestewardship techniques to improve prescribing for these infections
- Identify common process and outcome measures/metrics
- Compare and contrast effective AS techniques in the inpatient vs. outpatient settings