Section 4: Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Logistics (Fellows)

Content in this section is available through 2 activities.

Activity One
“Shortage Mitigation of Antibiotics in Real Time (SMART)” Exercise

The first activity is an antibiotic shortage simulation exercise entitled “Shortage Mitigation of Antibiotics in Real Time (SMART)”.

You should prepare for the shortage exercise by researching the SMART preparation questions. Faculty can distribute the questions and provide a brief primer on the activity or you can access the questions and brief primer via the eLearning module.

Ideally, several hours to a week later, faculty will lead a small group exercise while working through the eLearning module as a group. If faculty resources are not available, you are welcome to view/listen to the pre-recorded "SMARTcast Exercise", recorded at IDWeek 2018.

Activity Two
"Reflective Observation, Brief Interview, and Notation (ROBIN)" Exercise

The second activity in this section is the "Reflective Observation, Brief Interview, and Notation (ROBIN) exercise".

For this component of the curriculum, you will prepare for the exercise with a brief primer on medical staff governance and activity instructions using either the eLearning module or PDF documents distributed by faculty. After meeting with your faculty champion, you will plan to either attend 2 leadership activities (such as AS or Infection Prevention meetings) or interview 2 medical staff leaders. Next, you'll then prepare a one-page write up of your impressions.

Target Audience

Fellows/Trainees in Antimicrobial Stewardship Training Program

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe key steps in establishing an ASP
  • Identify multidisciplinary collaborations necessary for the success of an ASP
  • Describe how to implement the core elements of ASPs into practice
  • Recognize regulatory and reporting aspects of ASPs
  • Describe AS quality improvement and patient safety activities
  • Recommend strategies for responding to antimicrobial shortages
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

AS Curriculum Workgroup COI Summary Reviewed April 2017 by Rachel Simmons, MD No conflicts found

NameIndividual's Role in ActivityName of Commercial InterestNature of Relationship
Abbo, LillianWorkgroup memberPfizer BrazilHonoraria
Advani, SonaliWorkgroup memberNabriva TherapeuticsAdvisory/Consultant Role
Amstrong, WendyWorkgroup memberNone 
Barsoumian, AliceWorkgroup memberNone 
Beeler, ColeWorkgroup memberNone 
Bystritsky, RachelWorkgroup memberNone 
Cherabuddi, KartikWorkgroup memberGatoradeStart - up Research Fund
  NIH (Medimmune)Research Grant
Cohen, SethWorkgroup memberNone 
Hamilton, KeithWorkgroup memberNone 
Ince, DilekWorkgroup memberAnsun PharmaResearch Grant
Justo, Julie AnnWorkgroup memberNone 
Logan, AshleighStaffNone 
Luther, VeraWorkgroup memberNone 
Lynch, JohnWorkgroup memberAstellas Pharmaceuticals, Juno TherapeuticsAdvisory/Consultant Role
Nori, PriyaWorkgroup memberNone 
Ohl, ChristopherWorkgroup memberParatek, Bayer, Cempra PharmaceuticalsAdvisory/Consultant Role
Patel, PayalWorkgroup memberNone 
Pottinger, PaulWorkgroup memberMcGraw Hill, ElsevierHonoraria
Schwartz, BrianWorkgroup memberNone 
Spicer, JenniferWorkgroup memberNone 
Stack, ConorWorkgroup memberNone 
Zhou, YuanWorkgroup memberNone 
Shnekendorf, RachelStaffNone 
This version of the curriculum is not accredited for CME or MOC.
Please login or register to take this course.

Required Hardware/software

PCs Running Window

  • Windows 10  
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome

Apple Computers Running OSX

  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome