Section 4: Specialty Stewardship (Fellows)

Section 4: Specialty Stewardship

The content within Section 4 is used to educate you on the ways that antimicrobial stewardship varies in special settings and populations, as well as describe systematic approaches to improving antimicrobial use in the major “infection syndromes” where antimicrobials are over-and misused. This additional information will help to broaden your perspective when evaluating and planning the most effective diagnostic and antibiotic stewardship interventions for unique populations and settings.

This section contains 5 eLearnings.

Target Audience

Fellows/Trainees interested in leading an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program.


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe systematic approaches to improving antimicrobial use in the major “infection syndromes” where antimicrobials are over- and misused in both the inpatient and outpatient settings (i.e. URI, otitis media, SSTI, UTI)
  • Compare and contrast the practice of Antimicrobial Stewardship in special settings and populations: Emergency Department, Long Term Care Facilities, Outpatient, Pregnancy and Critical Care, along with Immunocompromised Hosts
  • Provide examples of diagnostic (laboratory) stewardship 
  • Compare and contrast effective antimicrobial stewardship techniques in the outpatient vs. inpatient settings
  • Describe how to implement the core elements of outpatient antibiotic stewardship
    • Understand successful ambulatory stewardship strategies (provider and patient- driven) such as commitment posters, delayed prescriptions, EMR best practice alerts and justification notes
    • Be familiar with resources from CDC and other organizations to assist with ambulatory ASP effort
    • Considering available resources, determine the most cost-effective and high impact interventions to implement
Course summary
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Course expires: 
This version of the curriculum is not accredited for CME or MOC.
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