Advanced AS Post-Curriculum Fellow Survey
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Please complete each of the following questions

For the following statements, please indicate how confident you were in your ability to perform the following within an antimicrobial stewardship program AFTER completing the IDSA Advanced Antimicrobial Stewardship curriculum:

Not At All EffectiveSomewhat EffectiveModerately EffectiveVery EffectiveExtremely Effective
Define overall goals for an antimicrobial stewardship program
Optimize team structure within an antimicrobial stewardship program
Complete regulatory and reporting requirements for antimicrobial stewardship programs
Use local microbiology and antimicrobial data to identify impactful antimicrobial stewardship interventions
Plan and implement antimicrobial stewardship initiatives based on local microbiology and antimicrobial data
Apply behavioral psychology and business principles to increase resources for antimicrobial stewardship programs
Influence culture change by creating effective programmatic antimicrobial stewardship communication approaches
Tailor diagnostic and antimicrobial stewardship interventions for unique populations or settings (specifically the emergency department, immunocompromised populations, long-term care facilities, and outpatient sites)
Identify resources for professional development in antimicrobial stewardship
Approach the job search for antimicrobial stewardship positions
Develop a plan to expand the reach of a stewardship program into the outpatient setting
Collaborate with OPAT programs to optimize stewardship efforts

Please answer the following questions about the impact of the curriculum on your job search. 

Note: A job interview means that you were invited for a formal job interview – whether virtual or in-person. This does not include informal meetings that you had with faculty or leadership at other institutions to explore potential job opportunities.
Note: A job offer refers to a formal letter that you receive from an institution or organization outlining a proposed job description for you.
Please answer as a percentage ranging from 0% to 100%.
Check all that apply

The following section will ask you questions about your experience with the Advanced AS Curriculum